CV, applications and job interviews

A focused and targeted CV and cover letter significantly increase your chances of getting closer to a job interview.

  • To become relevant and interesting to companies, your application material must be customised to suit the job, industry and company for which you are applying.
  • Your CV must be easy to read. Always remember that the people reading it may have to read 100 CVs for each job, so the key words must be absolutely relevant and easy to track.
  • To help you stand out, you should produce a personalized CV with a clear professional and personal profile with relevant information and focus on relevant competences.

Keep an eye on our event calendar for upcoming CV and cover letter workshops/webinar.

Book us for feedback on your current CV and to see examples for inspiration. Please remember to upload your CV in the booking.   

CV and cover letter resources


WiD has a range of relevant tutorials we advise you to watch, covering:

  • Writing your cover letter
  • How to write a personal profile   
  • Applying for unsolicited jobs
  • To call or not to call

Watch the WiD tutorials.

WiD also offers an e-learning course “Make It Work in Denmark” that consist of four modules on:

  • Job search in Denmark
  • Contacting companies and how to succeed in job interviews
  • The use of LinkedIn in your job search
  • An introduction to Danish workplace culture

For PhDs pursuing an academic career 

Expat partners with a PhD are welcome to join AU Career PhD and Junior Researcher career events.


The International Employment Unit and other public business service organisations in the country offer workshops that can help uncover how to make a great CV and application letter. Please look to our news and events page or book us to get help finding workshops near you.

Job interview and personal profile assessment

Preparing for the job interview includes focus before, during and after the interview. We go through the different parts of the interview and prepare you to make the best possible impression.

Practical tests and profile analysis tools are quite common in Denmark. Your Expat Partner Advisor can tell you more about this. Both advisors are also certified in Thomas International Personal Profile Analysis (DISC) if you want to try one yourself.

Book us to prepare for a planned interview. Please remember to upload the job description, your CV and application letter.