Introduction Seminar for new AU employees
What are my employment conditions? And what does the rector think I need to know about the university? You will get answers to these and more questions at the Introduction Seminar.
Info about event
Aarhus University, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, Preben Hornungstuen
AU HR, International Staff Office
No later than Thursday 1 September 2022, at 12:00
At this event, you will be introduced to some of the various services and functions that exist for AU employees and not least have a guided tour of the university park.
The Introduction Seminar is for all employees who started work at AU within the last six-twelve months. There is a programme for both Danish and international staff.
Programme for internationals
- 08.30: Introduction to the day by International Staff Office
- 08.50: Welcome by Joint union representative
- 09.00: Welcome by University management team
- 09.30: New to Denmark – presentation by international staff member at Aarhus University
- 10.00: Fair with information stands
- 10.45: Employment related information from an HR partner
- 11.45: Tour of the campus
- 12.45: End of programme