Guest Researcher Support

The Guest Researcher Support is aimed at guest researchers and guest PhD students visiting AU and their hosts.   

In brief, the service covers assistance to ensure that the guest has the relevant and proper permit related to his/her visit to AU. 

Who can use the service

This service is aimed at non-employed, non-enrolled researchers and PhD students visiting AU. If the guest researcher/PhD student brings family, we are happy to offer our assistance to the family members as well, however only to a very limited extent.

Students, except for visiting PhD students, are not covered by the service.  

Our service to you as a guest

Your host at AU should initiate the process and provide us with information about your visit to AU.

Contact your host to start the application process for a work and residence permit.

When we have confirmation of your visit from your host, we will contact you and:

  • Inform you about the relevant and necessary permits (e.g., to work and reside in Denmark) and assist you during the application process
  • Inform you about insurance issues as a guest and advise you on which insurances we recommend you take out personally
  • Provide you with information about practicalities for internationals in Denmark. You can already now have a look at the following pages on our website: of our homepage:
  • Introduce you to other AU services to international researchers and PhD students
  • Introduce you to social activities, events, clubs etc. of relevance for internationals at AU.

With respect to accommodation during your stay your host department or the AU International Housing Office might be able to assist you.

Your host department will take care of welcoming you and practical issues related to your arrival, for example office facilities, log-on to relevant systems, keycards etc.

Further information:

Practical matters - stays below 90 days

Practical matters - long term stays

Our service to you as a host

  • We will ensure that your guest obtains the relevant and necessary permits. We will also assist your guest during the application process
  • Throughout the process we will keep you informed about the status of the application and when to expect your guest to be able to start working at AU
  • We will ensure that your guest is informed about insurance issues and advise him/her on which insurances we recommend taking out personally
  • We will provide your guest with information about practicalities for internationals in Denmark, introduce your guest to other AU services to international researchers and PhD students as well as to social activities, events, clubs etc. of relevance to internationals at AU.

What is not covered by this service

Practical issues related to the arrival of your guest, for example organizing office facilities, log-on to relevant systems, keycards etc. are not included in the service.

Housing is not part of the service either, but AU International Housing Office can assist you and/or your guest in looking for housing options.

Read more about the Guest Researcher Support for the host

Who to contact if not covered by the service

Employed and/or enrolled PhD students

Enrolled PhD students are supported through their Graduate School.

Employed PhD students are supported through their Graduate School.

Employed staff

Employed academic staff is supported through their HR-department at faculty level:

Guests attending conferences or meetings

Guests that attend conferences or meetings at AU often need a short-term visa. This is usually dealt with at department level or by the organiser of the conference/meeting.

Contact the organiser of the conference/meeting for further information.

Guest students (bachelor or master's degree)

Contact your host department for further information.