How do we help you as a host

As a host you need to ensure that your guest has the relevant work permit and that he/she is properly informed about his/her insurance coverage.

Ask for assistance - it’s simple!

For us to initiate the process we kindly ask you to complete a questionnaire with the most basic information needed for the application process. We will implement this information in the applicable/necessary application form.

Upon receipt of your completed questionnaire, we will contact your guest and continue the application process directly with your guest.

As a host you also need to create a "medarbejderstamkort". We need both the questionnaire and the "medarbejderstamkort" to initiate the application process.

Processing time - do not wait

The authorities processing time of the relevant permits might be up to 7-8 weeks. Usually, the guest is not allowed to work during this period. Therefore, do not hesitate to inform us about your guest by completing the questionnaire.

Invitation letter

We can also assist you with a letter of invitation, which is needed to apply for a residence and work permit as a guest researcher or guest PhD student. Please find a template for the letter of invitation below.

Template - Invitation letter

We will keep you informed

We will take care of the whole application process. We will of course keep you updated if problems should occur, but otherwise we will not contact you again before we have information as to when you and your guest may expect to receive the permit.

When we receive information that the necessary permit has been granted, we will of course inform you immediately.

You are welcome to contact us either before you are hosting an international guest researcher or during your hosting period.

Your responsibility as a host

It is among the responsibilities for AU to ensure that our guests have the necessary permits to be at AU as a guest. As host you share this responsibility.

Contrary to the expectation of many, non-EU/EEA citizens are obligated to have a residence and work permit if they are going to work in Denmark regardless of the length of their stay and whether they are paid by or enrolled at the university or not.

The only exception is regarding people coming to Denmark for three months or less to perform teaching, lecturing, supervision or examiner service. In such case a work permit is not necessary, and the guests can enter Denmark and work only with a visa (if applicable).

EU/EEA-citizens are obligated to apply for an EU residence certificate if they are working in Denmark for more than 3 months.

Insurance coverage

Many of our guests need to take out insurance and healthcare on their own since they are not covered by regular Danish insurances. Therefore, it is important that you inform your guest of how they are covered by insurances and healthcare during their stay in Denmark.

Read more about private insurance

Background screening on visiting scholars from high-risk countries

All visiting scholars from high-risk countries must undergo a background screening before they can be invited to work or study at Aarhus University. Read more about the process here (AU VPN is required).

Resources for departments/schools

The senior management team has decided that all departments/schools must have internal procedures and guidelines for hosting visiting scholars (including visiting PhD students). Departments/schools may design policies and procedures to suit them as long as they follow the guidelines on background screening for visiting scholars who are citizens of high-risk countries.

The International Staff Office in AU HR has developed resources that departments/schools can use to develop their own procedures and guidelines. See the resources for developing procedures and guidelines for visiting scholars