If you change address within Denmark, you must inform the Citizen Service (Borgerservice) in the municipality that you move to of your new address. You must do so within five days of moving into your new home. If you live in rented accommodation, you may be entitled to receive housing benefits.
Denmark is a country with over 100.000 clubs and associations, and joining one of them is a great way to socialise and connect with like-minded people.
Aarhus municipality lists a number of organisations and initiatives that assist internationals finding a club, a community and a social network.
Find clubs and activities on International Aarhus' website
At AU, you will find a number of gyms and training facilities that are available for employees.
Visit the Gyms and training facilities web page
You can see a list of cross-faculty clubs and associations on the page Clubs and associations for PhD students and researchers
The official religion of Denmark is Evangelical Lutheran, as stated in the Danish Constitution, and most people in Denmark belong to ’Folkekirken’ (the Danish National Church). Hymns and readings from the Scriptures together with the sermon play an important part in the service.
Denmark enjoys freedom of religion. This means that people are allowed to form congregations for the worship of a god/gods in a manner according to their convictions.
Most of the city churches are open to tourists seven days a week. On Sunday, one or more services are held, and visitors are welcome to participate in the service and take part in the Holy Communion.
On the Church Ministry's webpage, you can find a list of recognised religious communities in Denmark (in Danish). The list is divided into the following groups:
In Denmark there are many different religious groups and associations, some of which you can find below.
St Alban's Anglican Church is a lively and diverse Christian community with services in Copenhagen and Aarhus. Once a month, the Aarhus Anglican community gathers for a service of Holy Communion in English. The services take place at Møllevangskirken, Møllevangs Allé 49, 8210 Aarhus V, and everyone is welcome to join. After the service, members of the congregation are welcome to socialise with each other and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea.
Visit the St Alban’s website to read more about the church and see a list of upcoming services.
Aarhus University has three chaplains who are employed by the Ministry of Church Affairs. If you need to have a confidential conversation with someone, the student chaplains may be able to help. All enquiries are anonymous and free of charge for students. Read more on the student chaplains webpage.
When you move to a new country, it’s essential that you are able to thrive and feel good in your new environment. At International Staff Office, we are here to help – and to guide you to resources to foster your resilience to new challenges.