Cultural Awareness Programme

About the Cultural Awareness Programme

The International Staff Office offers workshops every semester aimed at developing awareness of and engagement with cultural diversity and inclusion. Not only do participants gain insights into Danish culture and potential ways to navigate living and working in Denmark, but they learn strategies that can create more culturally inclusive environments. 

  • The workshops are for all Aarhus University international staff, including PhDs, spouses/partners, Danish academic and administrative/technical staff.
  • The workshops are free of charge, but registration is required.

Danish Living Crash Course Workshops

These workshops focus on living and working in Denmark. Participants engage with Danish cultural history and how it shapes daily life and workplace behaviour. We offer practical tools and strategies for how to act ‘culturally intelligent’ in Denmark and when collaborating cross-culturally. 

The workshop is facilitated by Living Institute’s Chief Consultant, Kasper Jelsbech Knudsen. Kasper specializes in inclusive leadership, advancing gender parity, unconscious bias mitigation, and cross-cultural collaborations. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Aarhus University.

Cross-Cultural Workshops

Cultural Intelligence for Cross-Cultural Communication and Collaboration

These workshops focus on cross-cultural communication and collaboration within the Aarhus University context and the challenges and benefits of diversity and inclusion. Danish AU staff members attend together with AU International staff members. 
Participants gain research-based knowledge and insights within the area of cross-cultural collaboration and discuss 'culturally intelligent' strategies on how to navigate in culturally diverse groups, avoid misunderstandings and be attentive to blind spots and cultural biases when collaborating cross-culturally. The aim is to enhance performance, innovation and satisfaction within the AU workplace by recognizing the benefits of inclusive workplaces.

The workshop is facilitated by Signe Ørom, CEO and Principal Consultant from Connecting Cultures. Signe holds a Ph.D in languages and culture, has extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge about cross-cultural encounters and working effectively in Diverse teams. She has lived abroad for 10 years and worked in global companies for +15 years. Signe is an experienced facilitator of over 800 workshops and lectures in more than 20 countries and she is the author of the twin books ‘Forstod du, hvad de sagde? Kulturel intelligens og diversitet I globale samarbejder’ and ‘Did You Get the Point? Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in Global Collaboration.

Cross-Cultural Workshops for your department

If you are interested in hosting an extra workshop for an AU department or research group, please contact Lisa Topelmann-Weder,, +4525580670 for pricing and further information.