Danish lessons for AU international staff and accompanying partners

As an international member of staff with an official Danish address, you can take advantage of the state-supported Danish Education (DU) programme. The programme is available to you and your accompanying partner and takes place at a language school or at an AU location.

General conditions

General conditions for taking state-supported Danish lessons

AU staff and accompanying partners can take Danish courses through the Danish Education (DU) programme, which is the official Danish language teaching programme for international adults in Denmark. You can join this programme at all the language schools with which AU collaborates. 

Five years to complete six modules

The state-supported Danish language programme consists of six modules, each of which concludes with an exam. You have five years to complete the six modules. There are certain rules if you wish to take breaks in the middle of a module or in between modules, so it’s important that you get to know the system. Contact your preferred language school to learn more.


The Danish Education (DU) programme is free of charge, but you will need to pay a deposit of DKK 2,000 when you sign up. You will get this deposit back when you complete a module or complete the full programme. Contact your preferred language school for further information about deposits. 

Who can participate in the courses?

The courses are open to all international residents in Denmark who have an official address in Denmark and a Danish CPR number.

How to get started with Danish lessons

  • ​​​​​​1. Meet the conditions to register

You need to have an official address in Denmark and a CPR number to register for the Danish Education (DU) programme. Once you have these, contact a Danish language school and they will help you to sign up.

  • 2. Contact a language school with courses for AU staff

A2B Language Center offers the Danish Education (DU) programme for all internationals in the municipality of Aarhus including international members of AU staff and their accompanying partners. Pre-arrival it is possible to get one month free. Further provider is Sprogcenter Midt

The location and time of the courses varies according to which language school you choose. We therefore recommend that you contact each language school to hear about their specific offers and to find the right option for you. Please note that some offer education both in campus and online. 

Your five-year period starts upon arrival

When you register for your CPR number, you will receive a referral letter from the municipality in which you live. Please note that the five years you have to complete your DU language programme is calculated from the date on this referral letter – even if you do not start your lessons straight away.