About the Expat Partner Programme

Welcome to the Aarhus University Expat Partner Programme!

Joining your partner to a new country can be an exciting yet challenging experience. That's why we are here to support you throughout your journey and help you make the most of your time in Denmark.

The Expat Partner Programme at Aarhus University is designed specifically for accompanying partners of AU’s international staff, providing a wide range of resources, information, and networking opportunities to ensure a smooth transition and a fulfilling experience.

The programme covers all 5 faculties at Aarhus University and is part of the International Staff Office’s service and advisory offers.

Program goal and aim

Our program aims to:

  • Support your professional and personal development: We offer 1:1 sessions tailored to your needs
  • Foster social connections: We organize social events and activities to help you meet fellow expat partners, build friendships, and create a strong support networks  

  • Expand your professional network: Through our network of professionals, both within the university and the local community, we are happy to connect you with potential employers, volunteering opportunities, and industry contacts

  • Provide practical guidance: We are always happy to answer your questions about life and work in Denmark and connect you with relevant resources 

Read more about the Expat Partner Programme services and events

Eligibility/Target Group

The Expat Partner Programme resources and support offers are available to partners of Aarhus University’s international staff (local employment contract) from postdoc level and up. 


Our services are also available to accompanying partners of Danish staff who have returned to Denmark (repats) due to an employment (postdoc level and up) at Aarhus University.

How to get started

Please fill out the EPP registration form.  

To make use of our services and activities, we will need information about you (the accompanying partner) and your partner's employment at Aarhus University. We will also need your GDPR consent. Upon receipt of the completed form, we will send you more information about the programme and an invitation to book us for an online or in person Introduction Meeting.

Please note there is no need to wait until you are in Denmark before you register. In fact, we would love to hear from you before you arrive.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!